Compatible(Lite): Food

更新时间:2024-02-06 类型:美食佳饮
评分:0.00 收费:免费
运营公司:Olga Blinova

Proper Food Combining by the method of separate food Herbert

- Search category by Product;

- Green category image border - best compatibility;

- Yellow category image border - valid compatibility;

- In Red - Incompatible products;

This app is a visual representation techniques compatibility of products.

Used data sources:

FOOD COMBINING MADE EASY / by Herbert M. Shelton


For all questions, please contact: _blinova


- Product compatibility fixed according to *Source;
- Added some products according to user requests;
- Products that are not mentioned in the Source - not added, if you have accurate compatibility information based on the works of G. Shelton, plea

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灯笼网>美食佳饮>Compatible(Lite): Food